We are always happy to speak with you. You can reach anyone in Joseph’s People by leaving a message on our HELP LINE 610-873-7117. Please include your name, the person or subject you would like to talk with or about and someone will return your call within 24 hours.
Have a Specific Need? You can email us as well.
WANT TO JOIN, BUT NEED INFORMATION? Not sure we are the right group to join? Happy to discuss our work with you. Email Here.
VOLUNTEER SPEAKER: Do you have special skills that you could share with our members? Let us know. Email: Here
ARE YOU AN EMPLOYER? Do you need to hire a wonderful, accomplished, experienced workforce? We can help you. Email Here.
You can also submit a job. Learn more about this by visiting “Submit a Job” under Support Us. Email Directly: Here
WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION? Donations, are always gratefully received. Email Here.
BECOME A VOLUNTEER? Under “Support Us,” you will find our Volunteer Form. Just fill it out and we will get back to you. Email: Here.
BECOME AN ADVOCATE? Are you passionate about the issues that affect un/underemployed people? Help spread understanding and the Mission of Joseph’s People. Email Here.